Tuesday 3 March 2009

I'm busy busy busy!

Sorry guys I've received several complains already regarding my inactive blog for several weeks for now. So now I'm struggling between my life in campus and my social world. So if there's no update, please understand my situation that I'm facing in the moment.

My worst nightmare is about to begin. It's assignment time! I've been fooling around for couples of months back. So, lets get the works begin. To balance between social life and campus life is quite challenging, well at least for me because. I can't ignore both of them. So the solution isn't yet to be found. What i wanted to say is something like this;

"Aku kan belajar eh.. Tapi takut jua ku kana ucap buang batu karang"
"Macam syok dorang lepak atu.. Nda ku mau miss eh!"
"Eh~~ esok tah ku revise! enjoy dulu sekajap" and this keep repeating over and over.

From the statements, it can be traced that I'm more into social life, and ignored my campus work. I just read some articles regarding to this problem. It says something like this "You can't change your habit, If you want to do something, do it now!" Gosh, it's meaningful to me actually but still it doesn't really work. Sigh... Habit for sure. Screw you! :p

Ok, I'm gonna post something after this, so make sure to wait abit. Ok?? Hohoho Tata

*Edited* Damn! i forgot to bring my cable for putting pictures! Sigh, So maybe tomorrow. Hehe :p see ya